Mr. Anosh

Hello, I'm Mr. Anosh! My background is in physics and mathematics, and recently, I've been pursuing a Master's in Quantum Computing. If that sounds scary to you, don't worry; I believe that one conversation with me will make you see that it's quite fascinating.

I am passionate about communication and doing it well. Teaching is all about communicating and instilling passion. I aim to be the best at what I do. I like to break high-level concepts into smaller parts that students can grasp. As a high school teacher, I loved to see students thrive in their learning.

Small changes in the present can lead to long-term gains, and I aim to help students achieve their potential.

I enjoy photography, philosophy, poetry, memes, nature, and the gym. I play the guitar and write songs when I can! I look forward to the opportunity to work with your child!

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